Bacon Auto Country Inc.

Dec 29, 2023

Headlights are one of the longest-lasting parts of the car. Your headlights may still work after five or six years, though they’re usually past their prime by this time. How often you need to get new headlights will depend on how often you use them and whether or not the headlight unit is in good condition. Let’s look at signs that it’s time to head to the Chevy dealer.

When to Get New Headlights for Your Chevy, Buick, or GMC Vehicle From Your Chevy Dealer

When the Headlights Are Physically Damaged

The headlights can get damaged in accidents, and they can also sustain some damage even if you never get into a collision. If something hits the headlight casing, then the casing might crack, and the bulb inside may also shatter. If one or both of your headlights are damaged, then you need to get to the dealer as soon as you can.

When the Headlights Are Sun-Damaged

The sun can do some damage to your headlight casing. The UV rays can make the unit appear cloudy or yellowed, which then makes the light from the bulbs appear hazy or yellowed. You may need to have more than just the bulb replaced if the sun has damaged the headlight casing.

When the Headlights Are Dim

Headlights become less effective as the years go on. The light emitting from your headlights gets dimmer, reducing visibility. The headlights should be replaced as soon as you notice any significant dimming.

When the Headlights Start to Flicker

Flickering is a tell-tale sign that a bulb is going to burn out soon. When one or both of your headlights start flickering, you know it’s time to head to the dealer for new bulbs.

When the Headlights Burn Out

One day, you may try to activate the headlights and find that they’ve completely burned out. This is a clear sign you need to replace the bulbs, although you could also be having an electrical issue, so your mechanic may inspect the car’s electrical system. One headlight may burn out before the other, but both should be replaced when this happens.

How Can You Make the Headlights Last?

Making the headlights last is a matter of only using them when you need them. Be very careful not to accidentally leave them on all night, as this can shorten their lifespan. Parking in a garage can help you avoid some UV damage to the headlight casing, and it may also help you avoid the headlights accidentally getting hit by something while you’re not in the vehicle. Avoiding bumpy and debris-strewn roads when you can is also a good idea.

Is it time for newer, brighter headlights? Come to Bacon Auto County Inc. so our mechanics can replace your old headlights with some fresh new bulbs.